Friday, March 14, 2025

Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021

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Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021

International Students are advised to apply for Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021. Worldwide candidates can apply for a Fully Funded Scholarship to pursue Ph.D. Degrees. In an inter-disciplinary context, students will learn critical skills for addressing complex health concerns caused by new and re-emerging viruses. Also Visit: Yokohama National University MEXT Scholarship 2021 in Japan

The RTG VIPER program is intended for highly motivated postgraduate students with a background in Veterinary Medicine, Medicine, or Life Sciences. We are searching for motivated people from various countries who are passionate about virology and molecular research. It is necessary to have excellent written and spoken English abilities. The VIPER research and training program will cover the entire global chain of events involved in virus emergence, from virus discovery, isolation, molecular characterization, surveillance, and pathogenesis to animal and public health impact and intervention strategies, including novel prevention and control approaches. Must-Visit: Ambassador Scholarship 2021 at Sharda University in India Funded

Every year, the German government offers a large number of scholarships to international students. Doctoral researcher jobs in the VIPER Research Training Group in Germany 2021 are also available, as is one of these scholarships. The HGNI provides top-tier research, teaching, and training through program-specific seminars, as well as a personalized curriculum that includes lab and soft-skill courses, congresses, symposia, and summer schools. The language of communication and instruction at HGNI is English. Students are given a Ph.D. upon graduation; however, life and natural scientists may opt for a Dr. rer. nat. If your most recent schooling was in English, IELTS is not required for this program. Only students whose previous education was not in English are got to take an English English test. Never pass up this opportunity to study for free. Complete information is given in the following segments:

Brief Description of Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021:

  • Available Degrees: Ph.D. Positions
  • Financial Support: Funded
  • Institute: University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
  • Scholarship Country: Germany
  • Closing Date: 31st October 2021 

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Scholarship Coverage:

Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021 are funded.

Programs Offered by Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021:

Field of Research:
Mathematics / Natural Sciences
Veterinary Medicine/Agriculture, Forestry, and Nutritional Sciences

Subjects Virology

VIPER research programs are organized into three categories:

  • Virus identification, host range, and transmission
  • virus-host cell interactions and pathogenesis; and
  • immune interference and intervention methods.

VIPER unites the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover’s long-standing veterinary competence in virology, pathology, clinic, and wildlife research (TiHo). The Twincore Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research in Hannover, as well as three leading partner institutions outside of Hannover (Heinrich-Pette-Institute Hamburg, Ruhr University Bochum, and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), provide additional opportunities for participating students to advance their scientific and collaborative skills, as well as promote their mobility and scientific ingenuity. The VIPER research framework is the program’s primary component, and it is incorporated with Tito’s Hannover Graduate School of Veterinary Pathobiology, Neuroinfectiology, and Translational Medicine (HGNI), which leads to the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

Must-Visit: Destination Australia Scholarships 2021 at University of Tasmania Australia

Eligibility for Scholarship:

For Scholarship, all of the requirements and conditions listed below are met.

  • Excellent academic record.
  • Letter of application, which should represent the applicant’s specific abilities and motivation for participation in the VIPER Research Training Group and give further perspectives for the applicant’s professional career (1–2 pages in English)
  • CV (recommended: europass form www.europass.cedefop.europa.EU/documents/curriculum-vitae)
  • Complete college or university diplomas and examination results, as well as an English translation (if applicable)
  • Abiturzeugnis is a university admission diploma/school leaving certificate.
  • Ranking of your top five projects
  • a background in Veterinary Medicine, Medicine, or
  • Life Sciences passionate applicants of various nationalities with a great interest in virology and molecular work are required
  • good written and spoken English capabilities

Required Documents for Scholarship:

During the online application process, all of the documents listed below must be uploaded. The below are the details:

  • Bachelor’s transcripts are expected.
  • International Students’ Passport
  • CV
  • Certificates and reports
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Certificate of Speaking English from the prior institute.
  • If your former degree was not in English, you will have to take IELTS.

Closing Date:

The Closing date to apply Online for the Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021 is 31st October 2021. 

Study Abroad: International Scholarship at the University of Illinois Springfield USA 2021

Application Procedure for Doctoral researcher positions in the VIPER in Germany 2021:

The whole application procedure is conducted online. Students can apply online by reading all of the above guidelines and preparing the documents that will be necessary to upload during the application process.

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Official Scholarship Link

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